Tbirds Flock to Motorcars on Main Street, Coronado

Eight Early Birds (1955-1957) rolled across the Coronado Bridge on a misty Sunday morning April 30, 2023, on our way to one of our annual favorites, Motorcars on Main Street, in Coronado, San Diego! 

Birds of a Feather … Arrive Together

We must always arrive at the car show together in order to park together, so many members of the club met up at Bill and Marsi’s historic Coronado home for coffee, donuts, and fruit salad before the show. Some of us even got a tour of their beautifully preserved and expanded 1920s house! Thank you so much for hosting, Bill and Marsi!

At 8am, we caravaned to the park by the ocean, were ushered in quickly and efficiently (no long lines!) and parked on the outer edge of the grassy circle. We set up chairs, toured the other beautiful classic cars, listened to the live music, and generally joked around.

Eventually the misty coastal skies lifted and the sun peeked out from time to time. Not too hot, not too cold.

Tbird Club Meeting at the Show

At 11am, we gathered next to our cars for our monthly meeting (all about that in the next newsletter), and two new members joined on the spot. Welcome Tom (55 black) and Bill (57 dark red)! Another member discovered they could renew online, and did so, and expressed interest in volunteering for our upcoming All Ford Picnic and fundraiser.

Lots of Tbird Comaraderie

The rest is a blur. The car show attendees were super friendly and asked lots of questions about our Thunderbirds (we dubbed it Thunderbird Alley — ha). Tbird fans loved the back stories of our cars. Our members talked about other car shows, judging criteria, horn installation and troubleshooting, and more.

It was great to see you Alvin, Stacy and your whole family!, Michael and Lola, David and Marley, Craig and Max, Mitch and Elaine, Shelly and Gary, Geoff, Bill and Marsi, and new members Bill and Tom. For everyone else who were not able to come, you were missed!

The day flew by, and one by one we fired up our birds and drove home. Until next time!


If you’d like advance notice of pre-show caravans, club meetings, and other Tbird tours, be sure to read our monthly emailed members-only newsletter. Anyone can join (Tbird ownership not required), and now you can join online!


The Return of the All Ford Picnic and Fundraiser


Tbird Club Tours the Botanical Gardens